A Contact from Above?

I was just stirring my drink when all of a sudden, I heard a voice, coming from inside my head:

Don’t forget who you are. Remember why you are here.

ME: Why am I here?

To help people.

ME: But how?

You shall see, how.

ME: Who is this??

Your higher self.

ME: Wait, why am I talking to myself?



I feel deeply touched by the bravery of a dog, when it defended a family of three from a snake cobra today.

He died after the standoff, which turned out to be deadly for both parties.

Goodbye, Rocky. I shall miss seeing your face, peeking from behind the gate next door. I hope they give you a big medal in dog heaven. And lots of treats. Lots and lots of treats.


“My favourite ship is Friendship”

So I recently posted something on Facebook after a long hiatus – just a very short, single-line post – and all of a sudden, people from everywhere started sending me friend requests! I’m talking about acquaintances and friends of friends, distant relatives (whom I’ve never kept in touch with, barring the yearly family reunion), old friends from 10 years ago, and also… strangers. What really baffles me is why they feel the need to know what I am up to.

I’m kinda creeped out by this passive, stalker-ish behaviour, so much so that I feel the need to hide a recent photo that my friend has tagged me in. I feel as if my privacy is being encroached upon and I just want to run the opposite way now. I feel overwhelmed. If they genuinely want to get in touch and find out how I am doing, why not send a message or two? None of these people did so. So. Weird.

Another thing I found strange is the fact that I’ve had this FB account for about a year or two now, but none of them tried to add me back when I was still actively posting. Well, “actively” being about one post a month.

This is actually the new account I created after I deleted my old one, the one with 500 friends and all the embarrassing photos from my youth. I thought I should create a new one just to keep in touch with close family members, like my mom and sisters and my favourite cousins, but not my non-favourite cousins (don’t we all have em?). Well, that didn’t work out as planned.

I figure I triggered FB’s algorithm when I downloaded the app on my phone, leading to people getting recommended my account simply because they have my number. But that was a week ago and the friend requests really only flooded my inbox the day after my friend tagged me in one of her photos. Hmm.

Well, we’ll see how long my account lasts this time around. It’s definitely not the place for everyone because I tried to add “spell casting” and “farting” to my list of interests on my FB profile but my attempt was not successful. Bummer.

The Power of One

My mom has a class tonight but was down with a mild fever so she was contemplating skipping it, telling me that as she scrolled through the messages on her phone.

Before I could reply, suddenly she exclaimed, “Oh look, two other students won’t be attending the class tonight! Guess I’ll just skip it then.”

As she continued looking at her phone, I was left imagining what if the first person did not skip class, and she finds out the whole class would be in full attendance, what kind of effect that would have had on her decision.

It could still go either way, but at that moment I was struck by how much influence a person can have, over others. It may not be immediate, it may not be apparent, it may not even be known to anyone else other than the person being influenced, but our actions sure as hell have an effect on others. And if we so desire, we have the power to change the world, right in our hands.

How Do You Peel A Brain?

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
– Lao Tzu (maybe)


Apparently Lao Tzu didn’t say this, but I like it so much that it’s going up here as a reminder.

When I first saw this quote, I was so wowed by it I had to read it again a couple of times, just to let the idea sink in. I was struck by a sense of realisation that I have this image of how I am, or how I should be, and it is governing my actions /decisions.

Not that this is a bad thing, we all have a certain standard or self image that is necessary for a healthy development of self. When the pre-determined idea of ‘who we are’ holds us back from trying something new however, how well does this serve us then? Heck, even considering something new can be downright scary sometimes, much less trying it.

Often I am not aware that I am doing this, only after some deep introspection does the realisation dawn, and it feels as if something has just smacked me in the head. Or as if a part of my mind has just been peeled back, opening it up just a little bit. And then I’d go, “Now why didn’t I think of this before?”